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Friday 20th October 2023

End of our first half-term!

I think we are all ready for a well-deserved half-term break. The summer holiday seems like a distant memory, and it has been dark, cold, wet and autumnal this week. The children have had a wonderful first seven weeks of the school year. They have settled well into the routines of school life, enjoying their learning and spending time with their friends.

During the month of October, the children have been celebrating Black History Month and learning about people who have inspired them. You can see part of their lovely display above. 

There was great excitement last week when we filmed our short promotional video. We are all delighted with the outcome. It shows our wonderful school and happy children really well. I hope you enjoy watching it too. 

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Yesterday our Year 4 children enjoyed a day at Chertsey Museum learning about Ancient Greece. They made their own ‘wax tablets’ and took a Greek-style lunch with them. They all enjoyed the day.

Today it is the turn of Year 6, who are off to Guildford Spike. This was a home for tramps and vagrants in Victorian times. The children will experience life there as part of their learning about the Victorian Era, and crime and punishment.

We had an eventful afternoon on Tuesday with a gas leak resulting in us having to close the kitchen and packed lunches for all on Wednesday! Thankfully, everything was safely repaired and re-connected for lunch on Thursday.

During our Golden Assembly yesterday, we heard about some of the wonderful learning that has been going on in the classes since September and the kind, helpful actions shown by children. After adding up all the house-points, St John’s House were the winners this half-term.

Yesterday morning, I delivered all the wonderfully generous donations of tins and packets to the Godalming Food Bank, where they were very gratefully received.  Thank you everyone.

Have a lovely half-term holiday everyone,

