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Friday 10th November 2023

We will remember them

We started the week having to close the school as we had no water in Godalming! Despite the heavy rainfall and local floods there was no water at school. Fortunately it was back on my Tuesday morning and we were back to normal. Thank you all for your patience and support with the online learning on Monday.

We had a special service of Remembrance this morning. We thought about all those who gave their lives in the service of their country. We held a short silence at 11am. We talked about why we remember and also those in conflict across the world today. I have been so impressed with all that the children have learnt. Year 4 children walked to the war memorial at Busbridge Church this morning. The memorial that we pass each day, was designed by Edwin Lutyens who also designed the cenotaph in London. There is so much that we can learn from our local history.

We have been working with some of the students from Godalming College this year. On Thursday afternoon, Lottie and Stevie are leading a dance lesson with Year 1 and 2 children; they love it. After school, we have started a KS 2 multi-sports club run by a group of college students. The first session went well yesterday. We halos have sixteen students who come each week to hear the children read. We have all been very impressed by the students, and it's great to work with the college. Here are the dancers:

As part of our curriculum monitoring, we have regular ‘learning walks’ looking at learning and teaching in each subject. Yesterday morning it was the turn of science. It was great to see the progression across the school. The children were thoroughly engrossed in their learning including: electricity, forces and friction, seasonal changes, materials and their properties and the digestive system. There were some fantastic investigations underway! We also looked at the children’s learning in their books and their ‘floor books’. These record whole class thoughts and ideas, discussions and photos from the lessons.

Well done to our Year 5 and 6 athletes who took part in the Indoor Athletics competition on Wednesday morning. There were eight schools in total and our St Edmund’s pupils did really well, coming first in some of the relays. Unfortunately, they didn’t win, but the children enjoyed the competition.

I hope everyone has their odd socks ready for Monday! By wearing them we want to celebrate our differences and individuality. This is a great way to raise awareness at the start of Anti-Bullying week.

Have a good weekend,

