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Friday 23rd February 2024

Welcome back everyone!

Welcome back to school, everyone. Our half-term holiday seems like a distant memory after the busy week we have had!

We enjoyed our assembly on Monday morning, welcoming everyone back to school for the second half of this year. We talked about Shrove Tuesday and Ash Wednesday, which fell during half term this year, and the start of our Lenten journey. The children talked about the extra things they are trying to do or go without during Lent.

Shortly after assembly, I received a phone call to inform us that our Ofsted inspection would take place on Tuesday and Wednesday. After talking to the inspector, it was all systems go as we prepared for the inspection. It was lovely to see the whole school community come together supporting us all from the children, teachers, all the team from the Xavier Trust to parents everyone was really positive and encouraging. I was extremely proud of everyone during the inspection, there was a great atmosphere of teamwork throughout the school. The letter with the inspection finding should be published later this term, and I will send this to you all as soon as I am able to. Thank you for all the good wishes and positive comments they are very much appreciated by us all.

Year 3 children had a wonderful day at Winchester Science Museum and Planetarium on Wednesday and our Year 2 class are at Brooklands Museum today, learning about transport. I’m really pleased that have a sunny day for their visit!

Lucy from Wintershall is with us today. She has been leading a wonderful Godly Play session with Year 6 this morning thinking about the Last Supper as you can see in the picture above.

I know the children are excited about this evening’s disco.

I hope everyone has a restful weekend,
