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Friday 15th October

Life Bus lessons

It has been a lovely autumnal week, with cold mornings and evenings but warm sunshine during the day. The half-term has gone quickly, and we have only 4 days next week before everyone has a well-deserved break.

During our assemblies this week we talked about the rich man asking Jesus how he could get to the kingdom of heaven. Whilst we don’t want to give away all of our possessions we talked about how we can be kind and generous with our time. The children had some great examples of how they do this, whether it’s fundraising, donating to charity, or helping our friends and families. We can all help next week by bringing in something for our Harvest Liturgy, next Thursday, the items will go to the Godalming Food Bank.

This week we have had the ‘Life Bus’ sessions for each class. The younger children must wonder why we call it the Life Bus as there is no bus! In fact, it’s some years since we had a bus here at all! The sessions are all about our bodies and keeping healthy, with helpful advice thrown in from Harold the giraffe! The children always enjoy the visits. You can see Year 1, above, enjoying their session. 

Our Year 2 children were very excited to be going on a school trip on Wednesday. They went to Broadwater School to take part in the Year 2 multi skills sports afternoon. They enjoyed the sports and the coach trip!

I hope that the bookings for next week’s parent consultations have gone smoothly. Almost everyone has managed to make appointments. I hope the meetings are useful for everyone, at least we know that they will all run to time!

Have a lovely weekend, 
