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Friday 24th February 2023

Welcome back, Lent and visitors..

Friday 24th February 2023

Welcome back to school! I hope everyone had a lovely half-term break. The children have come back smiling, refreshed and ready to learn.

We started the week with our assembly, we talked about loving our enemies. Whilst I know that the children do treat each other kindly, they find loving their friends easy but making a special effort to make sure they include everyone and treat everyone with kindness, even those who are not their particular friends. We also talked about Shrove Tuesday, why we have pancakes and the traditions associated with the start of Lent. Josefine, even treated us all to pancakes for lunch!

Father Jonathan joined us on Wednesday afternoon for our Ash Wednesday Liturgy. It was lovely to have so many parents, friends and parishioners able to join us as we start our Lenten journey.

On Tuesday our Year R children enjoyed a school visit to Little Street where they played and tried out many different jobs and roles including the vets, supermarket, hair salon, fire station!

We were able to take a group of children from across KS 2 to Huckleberries Nurture Farm on Wednesday. It is an amazing place; as soon as you step through the gates, you are in a different world; looking after the animal, each other and most importantly ourselves. It really is ‘a place to be me’. The children had a great first session and can’t wait to return next week.

There was a successful building meeting yesterday, it is great to see the progress made so far and to hear that the project is on track. I have been really impressed by the building team, and it is all going well!

I was delighted to have a tiny visitor on Tuesday. My new granddaughter, Daisy, came to meet everyone! It was lovely to see the children’s faces, I think Daisy enjoyed seeing them too!

This morning we have had our final cross-country session for the time being. It has been great to see so may children turn up every week for the run. We are very proud of your commitment and enthusiasm. 

We have just had a great drama performance for Year 5 and 6 entitled: 'Who Cares?' Which told children more about roles in the NHS and challenged gender stereotypes. It was very entertaining! 

What an action packed week we have had!

Have a lovely weekend,

