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Friday 10th March 2023

Snow at school, WWII and the Great Fire of London!

We finally had some snow on Wednesday morning! The children were very excited and almost everyone managed to get into school. Although it didn’t last long, the children enjoyed the brief snow day.

On Monday Year 6 had a wonderful day, travelling back in time to WWII with a day at Henley Fort in Guildford. The experienced the roles of ARP wardens and the Home Guard, complete with uniform and weapons. There enrichment experiences really do enhance the children’s learning so much.

During our assembly on Monday morning, we talked about Jesus’ transfiguration on Mount Tabor, and what it might have been like for the disciples as Jesus revealed himself to them. We talked about our journey through Lent, and the things we can do to prepare ourselves during this time.

Year 1 told us all about the Great Fire of London in their lovely class assembly this morning. It was a great assembly, very funny and educational. Samuel Pepys burying his cheese caused great amusement! The children are clearly loving their learning in Year 1.

We have the Swimming Gala tomorrow! Good luck to all the children taking part. It is not an easy event, the novelty races are quite difficult to master, but I know the children will do their best. Thank you to Rubba Duckies for their training session last Saturday. Good luck to all our swimmers.

Have a lovely weekend,

