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Friday 30th June 2023

Strawberries and new buildings!

Last Sunday we managed our 10K run, although it was really tough in 30 degree heat! We did have one casualty; poor Mrs Watson fell and broke her collarbone!  Thank you to everyone who sponsored us, the Bee-lieve Foundation is very grateful for everyone’s support.

Our Year R children had a wonderful day at Tuesley Farm on Monday. We were all made to feel so welcome. The fruit there is delicious and the children picked strawberries, raspberries and blueberries. We were driven around the farm by tractor and trailer, stopping in the best spots to learn more about the fruit and to pick. We stopped in the woods for lunch and finally for a wonderful playtime in the playground. Everyone returned to school laden with punnets and punnets of fruit.  

Yesterday was moving up morning and everyone spent the morning in their new classes with their new teachers. There is always a lovely air of excitement around school as everyone is eager to impress and make a good first impression, children and teachers alike! We also welcomed our new Reception children and parents to school for the first time. The children settled in very well, and it was lovely to put faces to names for our new families.

The building work is completed! The container and builder’s compound left the school on Wednesday, and we have our playground back! Year 5 and 6 are moving into their new classrooms on Monday and Year 1 and 2 will move into what are currently Year 5 and 6 on Tuesday. There will still be lots of finishing off to do, but it will be so exciting to be able to use all the spaces again! We are looking forward to showing off the new rooms to everyone!

Have a lovely weekend,

