Friday 28th June 2024
Sunshine, strawberries and celebrations!
Finally, we have had a hot summer week! As usual, there has been a lot happening at school.
On Monday our Year R children had a fantastic time at Tuesley Farm. They picked strawberries, raspberries and blueberries. Enjoyed tractor rides around the farm, a picnic lunch and fun in the adventure playground!
On Wednesday, we had our annual Good Shepherd Celebration at Worth Abbey. All schools from across the Diocese of Arundel and Brighton were represented. This year, we were asked to lead the Gospel reflection. Our liturgical dance was choreographed by Yocchan and Tabby in Year 6. The group of eight dancers were taught the routine and performed it beautifully. We are very proud of them all.
Tomorrow is the PSA Summer Fair. The weather is looking great, and everyone is excited. Please come and support us.
We are all looking forward to Monday’s Sports Day and picnic, I’m sure we will see you all there!
Have a lovely weekend,