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Friday 8th November 2019

Back to school, 5th November, Open Morning and Remembrance

Welcome back to a new half term, I hope that everyone had a lovely half term holiday.

On Monday the teachers had an Inset Day with all the Godalming Learning Partnership schools. The teachers were all at Busbridge Junior School where we had a very inspiring day learning about ‘Talk for Writing’. We hope that this way of teaching will enable all our children to become even better writers, we certainly came back to school very eager to get started and the teachers have already been trying out lots of the ideas in class.

On Tuesday morning we talked about Guy Fawkes and the history of Bonfire Night during our assembly. The school council children who have recently been to visit the Houses of Parliament were able to tell us all about the rooms they visited and the cellar underneath the king’s chair where the gun powder was stored! Did you know that the Yeoman of the Guard still check the cellars each year before the State Opening of Parliament?

We have also spent time reflecting on the month of November and remembering those who are no longer with us. We had a special assembly this morning on Remembrance and thought about those who have lost their lives in all wars. The children were able to share their learning with the rest of the school, Year 6 children showed us their performance poetry and Daniel in Year 4 shared his poetry on war.

On Wednesday we welcomed many visitors during our open morning, as prospective parents and children looked around the school. The Year 6 children led the tours and did a fantastic job of showing off their school. They love doing this and so many parents commented on how wonderful they were as ambassadors for the school. Well done! 

Next week is Anti-Bullying Week, the theme this year is ‘Change Starts with Us’. We will kick the week off with odd socks day on Monday to celebrate our individuality! It will help us all raise awareness of bullying and empower all children to have a voice and talk about what is right and wrong. Each class will create a poster representing the theme of this years’ week, look out for them around school.

We had a very frosty final cross county training run this morning and tomorrow morning our runners will take part in the cross country event held at Glebelands School in Cranleigh, the forecast is for another cold start, I know that the children will be full of enthusiasm and we hope that any rain will hold off until after the races! Good luck to you all.


Have a lovely weekend,

