Here you will find our SEN Information Report (Local Offer) along with additional information regarding Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND).
Core Assets
Core Assets Children's Services have recruited locally and are delivering Independent Support for Surrey County Council, in partnership with SSIASS, Information, Advice and Support Service for Surrey. For more information, please refer to the PDF attached below.
Family Voice Surrey
Have you started or completed an EHCP?
POET is a nationwide survey to measure how your local authority is performing against others.
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This short film will explain more about POET: what it is and why you should complete the survey |
Take the parent's survey here |
Take the children or young person's survey here |
Take the practitioner's survey here |
We realise that you may have been asked several times, by different people, to talk about your experiences of SEND in Surrey. We will shortly be letting everyone know the results of the satisfaction survey we launched in July. In the meantime we would urge you to take 10 minutes to complete the POET survey as this will benchmark Surrey against other LAs.
from all of us at Family Voice Surrey. Want to get involved? There are opportunities for all parents who want to make a difference, no matter what your skills, availability and interests.
Go on....send us an email!
Surrey's Guide to SEND:
This guide is an introductory booklet for all stakeholders with an interest in the changes to the special educational needs and disability (SEND) support system under the Children and Families Act 2014. It is intended to provide a brief introduction to some of the main changes and how Surrey plans to implement them. For example: If a child or young person is identified as having SEN, the support should take the form of a cycle of assessing, planning, doing and reviewing. the Graduated Response is clearly outlined in a Pathway on pages 10 and 12.
Wave 1 - The Whole School:
Wave 1 is the ‘quality first teaching’ which looks at the learning needs of all the children in the classroom. Before any additional provision is considered it is important to look at what is already available to all pupils through differentiated work and an inclusive learning environment. While some strategies / approaches may have previously been recommended for a particular pupil group it is probable that they will be of benefit to many more children in a class. The more inclusive the classroom, the less the need for additional to or different from interventions.
Surrey Local Offer
Contains information about services relating to special educational needs, disabilities, education and more.
Click the Surrey Local Offer banner below for more information: