Friday 12th January 2024
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year and welcome back everyone. It is always lovely to have our school family back together after the holidays. The children have been telling me about their Christmases, all the wonderful gifts they received.
On Monday, our first morning together, we thought about the celebration of Epiphany and the wonder of the night sky, the wise men following the star to Bethlehem. The figures of the three kings completed their long journey to the stable, following the shining star. We also talked about the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord and making a new start. Even when the decorations are all packed away, we want to keep that special feeling of Christmas love in our hearts all year.
On Monday afternoon, Fr Jonathan joined us to celebrate Mass for the feast of the Baptism of the Lord. We sang Love Shone Down for the last time until next Christmas! It was a perfect start to the new year!
The children have settled straight back into their learning and I have seen some learning going on in all the classes this week: multiplication, volcanoes, Epiphany, instructional writing, shape, gymnastics, using microbits and lots of reading! It has been a busy first week.
We are busy making our final preparations for next Thursday's Young Voices concert at the O2 Arena! It is very exciting to be part of such a large children's choir. It will certainly be a day to remember!
Happy New Year everyone!