Friday 9th February 2024
Happy half-term holiday!
As we reach the February half-term, we also mark the half-way point in the school year. The time seems to have passed so quickly, yet when we think back to the start of the autumn term, we can see how much the children have grown and changed. We still have so much to do this year and so much to look forward to.
The children have enjoyed finding out about Children’s Mental Health Week and the importance of sharing how we feel and using our voices. Talking is so important and recognising that it is OK to sometimes get things wrong or need help. One of the wonderful things about St Edmund’s is the way that we know everyone and the children know each other and provide support and friendship. You can see our 'feeling-good' dance above!
On Monday afternoon, a group of children took part in a netball tournament at Rodborough. They played four matches, winning two, drawing one and losing one. They went through to the semi-finals, where they lost, but played again and came third overall. I was very impressed by their teamwork and positive attitude. Well done.
Tuesday was Safer Internet Day and the children have been continuing their important learning about online safety. Do talk to the children about what they do online, which apps they use, who they talk to and how they interact with others. The children are always one step ahead of the adults so these conversations are really important.
Our Golden assembly on Wednesday allowed us time to reflect on what we have all achieved this term and how much the children have learnt. They always enjoy Golden Assembly and celebrating our school family's successes. Thank you to all the children and teachers for their wonderful work this term.
Our Year R class have been celebrating Chinese New Year this week. They have had a wonderful time making dragons, serving food in their own Chinese restaurant and creating a dragon dance! Here they are:
Have a lovely half-term holiday,