St Edmund’s has a vibrant and active Primary School Association (PSA) which supports the school by organising social and fundraising events. Over the years the PSA has supported the IT equipment, books, and cameras. In addition, we have funded part of the hall extension and refurbishment and has raised funds to ensure every class has an interactive whiteboard.
The PSA holds events throughout the school year; these include film shows, discos, cake and ice cream sales as well as the Christmas and Summer Fairs. The PSA also runs a lottery. This is a fund which helps raise money for families which cannot afford to pay for school trips, and gives out a prize of £100 / £50 each term to ticket holders.
We are always looking for new volunteers to come to the committee or even just to offer help at the events. Anyone with ideas, useful skills etc. is always most welcome. If you are interested in joining the committee then please let the Chair know.
On this page you will find the PSA meeting minutes as well as other useful information. The PSA also has a Facebook page which keeps you up to date with all events and PSA news. Please click on the below link to ‘like’ our page.
To email the PSA: